Malayalam Megastar Mammootty seems to be on a roll with his latest release "Loud Speaker" hitting the jackpot at the box office. The actor says he is "delighted" to hear positive reports about the comedy.
"Of course, I am delighted to hear such reports because this film is unlike my usual films where I play the lead," Mammootty told IANS over telephone from his residence in Kochi. A devout Muslim, the actor has taken a rare day off on account of Eid.
Directed by Jayaraj, the film sees Mammootty as a simpleton who helps an NRI in finding his roots. Bollywood actress Gracy Singh plays the female lead.
It seems to be a favourable year for the three time National Award winning actor. His Independence Day release "Daddy Cool" too has been a box office hit and is still running to packed houses.
His next venture is the much-talked about period movie "Pazhassi Raja", which is releasing Oct 2.
"Yes, 'Pazhassi Raja' is another one and I have high hopes from it because it is one film that has been in the waiting list for a long time. Yesterday (Sunday), the music of the film was released," said the 56-year-old.
Mammootty's "Kutty Shrank", directed by award winning director Shaji M. Karunand, is also complete.
"Yes, that is also ready for release and it may hit theatres by the end of next month. As always I have done my best and rest I leave on the audience," said Mammootty.
He added that his "Paleri Manickam", which is being directed by Renjith, will be completed soon and release towards the end of the year.
" 'Chattambi Nadu' is presently being shot. All in all, I am happy," added the superstar, who has acted in more than 300 Malayalam films besides Hindi, Telugu, Tamil and English in a nearly three-decade long career.